As long as the parable of the prodigal son will be called on churches, the hope for new life will dominate the hearts of those who feel prodigal. And as long the parable will continue to be perceived as a scandal of Paternal love, the brothers of the prodigal son will not have hope of salvation.
As the joyful news for the hungry is food, for the debtor the forgiveness of debt, for the prisoner freedom, so the sinner who is experiencing sin as loss of life, the good news is ” Your sins are forgiven. ”
The parable of the prodigal son or merciful father, as it is called, depicts the depth of human misery and the magnitude of God’s love. It mentions the loss of of hapiness, consolation, and Paternal affection. On the other hand however we can see the presence of boundless love of God.
As much as one wants to analyze the parable of the prodigal son, will not be able to do it correctly if the analysis does not derive from the experience of our sinful condition and Divine love. The sense of self-sufficiency which was expressed as criticism, by the eldest son, is far from the sense of sinfulness, as experienced by the youngest son.
The parable of the prodigal son testifies that the Church is “the salvation for those who are lost,” according to St. Isaac the Syrian, and therefore is for the prodigal sons and the sinners who repent.
Blessed ones:
•Those who experienced the profligacy of their existence and through repentance experienced the joy of return.
•Those who felt the hug of God and stayed forever with Him.
•Those who tasted the pods that the pigs were eating and had the courage to say “I will set out and go back to my Father.”
And those who accepted with joy and love (as the Father did), their prodigal brothers, because with them they will live the eternal happiness of their salvation.
Source: Fr Andreas Agathokleous,
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