Children’s books

From I-Ville to You-Ville

VINGOPOULOU MERSINE I-ville—a Kingdom where pride and selfishness dwell, and where people live by the motto Me first!. You-ville—a Kingdom where humility and kindness have their ...

The Great Martyr Saint Catherine

Series: The Lives of our Saints FOTOPOULOS DIMITRIS, FOTOPOULOU ANNA Οur Saints are the best role models, who never lose their worth, no matter how many years go by. Saint Catherine, ...

Mtoto – A little African Story

HATZI SOFIA My name is Mtoto. That’s what they call me – usually to order me to do heavy work. Mtoto in Swahili means “child,” or “kid”. My parents had left for ...

The Great Martyr St. George

Series: The Lives of our Saints FOTOPOULOS DIMITRIS, FOTOPOULOU ANNA Our Saints are our greatest mentors. The example they have set for us can never lose its value with the passage ...

The Birth of Christ

PALIAKI MARINA, PALIAKI ELPIDA Which angel visited the Mother of God? Which animals kept the little baby Jesus warm? What do the gifts that the Wise Men brought symbolize? Children ...

Easter – I love to craft

STAMATI STAVROULA For preschool and primary school, a book with craft and coloring pages designed by Angeliki Delecha. Also contains wonderful stickers and a poster of Resurrection ...

Christmas – I love to craft

STAMATI STAVROULA An original book with activities for the Christmas season. Includes a beautiful A3 poster with the image of the Nativity crafted by Christina Douligeris. The boat ...

The Mother of God

PALIAKI MARINA, PALIAKI ELPIDA Who where the parents of Mother of God? How many steps did she take when she first walked? What did Christ do when she spokw to Him at the wedding ...

The Life of Christ

PALIAKI MARINA, PALIAKI ELPIDA What miracles Jesus did and what prayer taught us? Whο first saw the resurrected Christ? Children learn about the life of Christ through the world ...

Two Friends at Panagia Tsampika on Rhodes (Russian)

STATI-LEFAKI ELENI Verbal preserved the narrative of the miraculous arrival of the precious icon and the countless miracles of Our Lady Panagia. Presbytera Eleni Lephaki-Stati records ...

Two Friends at Panagia Tsampika on Rhodes

STATI-LEFAKI ELENI Verbal preserved the narrative of the miraculous arrival of the precious icon and the countless miracles of Our Lady Panagia. Presbytera Eleni Lephaki-Stati records ...