

Saint John (Maximovich) of Tobolsk None of our own attempts and efforts can save us without the help of God, but neither can God’s help be beneficial to us without our own wish ...

The Revelation of Saint John the Evangelist

The Revelation of Saint John the Evangelist forms a worthy conclusion to the whole of sacred Scripture, presenting a wonderful counterpart to the first book, the Book of Genesis. ...

The Inviolability of Free Will – Ρart I

Βy Saint Nektarios of Pentapolis “If anyone would come after me, let them deny themselves, take up their cross and follow me” (Matth. 16, 24). “Human free will is sacrosanct”. ...

The prodigal sons and the eldest sons

As long as the parable of the prodigal son will be called on churches, the hope for new life will dominate the hearts of those who feel prodigal. And as long the parable will continue ...